Woman smiling and holding her cell phone

Will Digital Ordering Ever Be Mainstream?

Download QikServe's 'state of the technology' report to find out

The Diffusion of Digital Ordering

As a business that has provided digital ordering technologies to food and hospitality businesses for a decade, we have a vested interest in seeing the market grow and evolve. But the big question is, is it and has it? 

According to the Diffusion of Innovation theory uptake of a technology must exceed 16% to cross the adoption chasm and reach the early majority. In this report we take a deep dive into the evolution of digital ordering and consider whether the adoption chasm has yet been crossed and what happens next. 

Download this report to find out

  • The theory behind technology adoption 

  • The effect COVID has had on digital ordering 

  • Whether the chasm has actually been crossed - and what that means

  • What comes next for the digital ordering market





Send me the report!